Pet Microchipping

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Pet Microchipping in St. Louis, MO

Microchipping is an incredibly simple process and is essential in keeping your pet safe. According to PetFinder, over 10 million pets go missing every year, and one in three pets will go missing at some point in their life.

What is a microchip?

A microchip is a tiny device which contains unique identifying information about a pet. It is approximately the size of a grain of rice contains a code that corresponds to the contact information of the pet cat or dog’s owner. This allows missing cats/dogs to be returned to their rightful home as quickly as possible.

Once in place, shelters, animal control, and other veterinary offices will be able to identify your pet if they are found after being separated from you.

When your pet is microchipped, your vet will ask you for your current contact details, and these will be added to a national register. Your name, address, and telephone number will be permanently connected with the unique 15-digit number on your pet’s microchip, so if your pet goes missing, it can be traced back to you immediately. However, it is important to make sure that your contact details are up to date. To update your contact details, contact your vet, and they will help you to update any relevant details on the register.