Puppy & Kitten Care

Book an Appointment

Puppy & Kitten Care in St. Louis, MO

There are not many things more exciting than bringing home a new puppy or kitten! With that excitement comes a lot of questions and things to check off of your to-do list. Not to worry, Chippewa Animal Hospital has you covered! From their first visit, we’ll be there to get your new pet on a good vaccination and checkup schedule. During their first visit, we’ll perform a full nose-to-tail physical examination to look for any concerns with your pet’s health. These exams are incredibly important and full of information. We’ll discuss nutrition, vaccine schedule, training, grooming tips, and how to keep your new pet protected against parasites. Even the most experienced pet owners can become overwhelmed by bringing a new pet home; we’ll do our best to make the transition as simple as possible.

During these initial visits and vaccination appointments, our team will be sure to put together a baseline of your pet’s health so we’ll be gaining just as much new information as you. We’ll work hard to help you understand your pet’s health considerations, and we encourage you to be involved in decisions regarding your puppy’s or kitten’s health care. Please do bring any and all records that you may have for your pet so we can get any relevant information on file.

Other topics of discussion for this visit include:

Parasite Screening

Puppies and kittens eat or sniff at many things that can carry the eggs for internal parasites. Checking yearly for intestinal worms and administering necessary treatments is an important means for assuring your puppy or kitten will be able to absorb nutrients and grow from the food you provide.

Spay and Neuter

Our vets will discuss a proper timeline to start considering and scheduling a neuter or spay operation for your pet. More information can be found here.